Day 01


Meet your guide on arrival and transfer to a hotel in Negambo for overnight stay.

Day 02


Travel to visit Munishwaram Temple & Manavari Temple in Chilaw. Travel to Sigiriya for overnight stay.
Munishwaram Temple
It is believed that Munishwaram predates the Ramayana and a temple dedicated to Lord Shiva was located here. Munishwaram means the first temple for Shiva (Munnu + Easwaran).
Manavari Temple
Manavari is the first lingam installed and prayed by Rama and till date this lingam is called as Ramalinga Shivan. Rameshwaram is the only other lingam in world named after Lord Rama.

Day 03


Travel to visit Koneshwaram temple and Shankari Devi temple in Trincomalee. Overnight in Sigiriya.
Koneswaram temple
Koneswaram temple of Trincomalee (also historically known as the Thirukonamamalai Konesar Kovil, the Temple of the Thousand Pillars and Thiru-Konamamalai Maccakeswaram Kovil) is an Hindu temple in Trincomalee, Eastern Province, Sri Lanka venerated by Saivites throughout the continent. It is built atop Swami Rock, a rocky promontory cape overlooking Trincomalee, a classical period harbour port town.
Shankari Temple
The famed SHANKARI Temple, in Sri Lanka, is one of the 18 Devi Temples (Ashta Dasha Shakti Peethas). Many have heard the Ashtadasha Shakti Peetha Shloka starting with LANKAAYAAM SHAANKARI DEVI.composed by Sri Adi Shankara which means Shankari in Lanka. This Shloka enumerates the list of places of Devi temples which are considered to be part of the 18 Devi Peethas.

Day 04


Leave for Kandy via Dambulla. From Dambulla drive to Matale to visit a spice garden. In Kandy, visit the Temple of the Tooth. View a cultural dance in evening. Overnight at Kandy.

Day 05


Kandy , last seat of the Sinhala Kings, is a very popular destination for visitors from home and abroad. Then travel to Nuwaraeliya.
Visit a tea factory en-route to see how the world's favorite drink is prepared and visit Hanuman temple.  Nuwara Eliya resembles an old English town, complete with a lake, race track, well- kept lawns with hedges, an Anglican Church and an 18 hole golf course. Dinner and overnight at Nuwara Eliya.
Sri Bhakta Hanuman Temple
In the hills of Ramboda where Hanuman was searching for Sita, the Chinmaya Mission of Sri Lanka built the Sri Bhakta Hanuman Temple which is visited by thousands of devotees every year.

Day 06


Visit Sitha amman temple, Divurumpola and Hakgala garden. Dinner & overnight stay in Nuwaraeliya.
Sita Amman Temple
The prominent temple architecture will not fail to attract your attention. Ancient statues of Rama and Sita can be seen on one side of the temple. The temple today is a modern building with its paintings, statues and pillars decorated with sculptures; all depicting the tale of Rama and Sita.
Hakgala Botanical Gardens
This is the exotic pleasure garden where King Ravana kept the depressed Sita, insisting that she marries him. It was here where the heartwarming meeting took place between her and Hanuman, who brought her Rama’s ring with the news that Rama was looking for her. He offered to carry her back but she refused saying it would be an insult to Rama’s honor if she did so. Part of this majestic garden still exists. It is also said that Hanuman nearly destroyed it in order to prove to Ravana of the forces against him.
Divurumpola Temple
This is the place where Seetha Devi underwent "Agni Pariksha" (test). It is a popular place of worship among locals in this area. Divurumpola means place of oath in Sinhala. The legal system permits and accepts the swearing done at this temple while settling disputes between parties.

Day 07


After breakfast, travel to Kataragama and visit Kataragama temple. Overnight stay in Kataragama. En-route visit Rawana waterfall in Ella. Overnight stay in Ella.
Ravana Waterfall
It is said that Ravana had kidnapped princess Sita, and had hidden her in the caves behind this waterfall, now simply known as the Ravana Ella Cave. At the time, the cave was surrounded with thick forests in the midst of wilderness. It is also believed that Rama’s queen bathed in a pool that accumulated the water falling from this waterfall.
Kataragamam temple
Kataragamam temple in Kataragama, Sri Lanka, is a Hindu and Buddhist temple complex dedicated to Skanda-Murukan also known as Kataragama deviyo.

Day 08


After breakfast, travel to Colombo. En-route visit Ussangoda. Overnight stay in Colombo.
After meeting Seetha Devi Lord Hanuman decided to test the strength of the mighty King Ravana and his army of Rakshasas. In the event that unfolded Lord Hanuman's tail was set on fire by the Rakshasas, who in turn went on to torch some parts of King Ravana's empire. Ussangoda is one of the torched areas, which is said to have been an airport used by King Ravana.

Day 09


After breakfast visit the first Anjaneyar temple in Sri Lanka and Kelaniya temple and Leave to a hotel in Negambo for overnight stay.
Anjaneyar Temple
This is the first Anjaneyar Temple in Sri Lanka and also the only Panchamuga (five faced) Anjaneyar Temple in Sri Lanka. Its the only temple in the world to have a chariot for Ajanyear.
Kelaniya Temple
After King Ravana’s death, Vibeeshana was coroneted as King of Lanka by Lakshmana at Kelaniya. There are murals enshrined outside the Buddhist temple depicting the crowning of Vibeeshana. The Kelani River is mentioned in the Valmiki Ramayana and Vibeeshana palace was said to be on the banks of this river.

Day 10


After breakfast travel to airport for your flight.

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